Ideas Move People
Win the heart and the mind will follow.
Steve McKee has advised hundreds of organizations in dozens of industries, and launched two of his own. He’s an avid student of ideas and the human dynamics that shape them, and loves to share his insights and observations.
After nearly a decade working at some of the most notable advertising agencies in the world, in 1997 Steve co-founded McKee Wallwork, a nationally recognized marketing advisory firm that helps stalled, stuck, and stale organizations generate new momentum.
The company was blessed to make the Inc. 500 list of the fastest-growing private companies in America its first year of eligibility and twice win the prestigious EFFIE Award for marketing effectiveness from the American Marketing Association. It was also twice recognized by Advertising Age as Southwest Small Agency of the Year and one of the nation’s Best Places to Work, and also won the publication’s National B2B Campaign of the Year award.
Along the way, Steve has helped hundreds of companies in dozens of industries thrive, and co-founded a successful tech startup based on his innovative research.
Steve is delighted to see an incredible group of young leaders take his company to new heights as he now pursues his passion of sharing with the world what he’s learned.
Steve's first book, When Growth Stalls: How it Happens, Why You're Stuck and What to Do About It, is based on groundbreaking research that reveals the four destructive internal dynamics that bedevil every company. It set his professional life on an entirely new course and changed the direction of his firm. The book was honored with an Axiom Award and is now published in four languages.
Power Branding: Leveraging the Success of the World's Best Brands features 75 bite-sized principles any company can follow to take its marketing and communications efforts to new heights. It was described by one New York Times bestselling author as “the definitive book on modern branding” that “should be mandatory reading in every business school in America.”
Turns: Where Business Is Won and Lost, is Steve’s newest release. It takes a deep dive into the physical, historical, and metaphorical nature of turns through the lenses of science, history, music, politics, war, religion, sports, philosophy and more. Steve reveals how they overlap and intersect, and draws out valuable principles that can help readers better know which way to go when they come to a fork in the road.
Steve has been published or quoted in The New York Times, USA Today, Forbes.com, Investor's Business Daily and The Los Angeles Times, among others, and has appeared on CNBC, ESPN2, CNNfn, Bloomberg, and network television affiliates across America.
He frequently serves as a guest lecturer in college classes and is a sought-after expert witness in the areas of branding, brand valuation, and consumer marketing.
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